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Aviation Marketing Services

We provide our clients with the most comprehensive service available - maintaining an aircraft database and managing up to the minute information of the movements and availability of over 10,000 seat all Over Egypt and Middle East. Through our long established contacts in the industry we are able to obtain data on airports, current fuel prices, latest legislation and routings, to offer the very best charter solutions on the market.

Aphrodite brings together vast experience and expertise, a strong service ethic and the significant infrastructure and resources needed to make air charter work. We are truly global, operating our own fully staffed offices in Geneva and Cairo.


Explore Aphrodite’s range of services:

Charter Operations
Managing charter capacity of selected partner airlines with tour operators. With our OCC...
Scheduled Operations
Assisting scheduled Airlines in developing new destinations we will identify...
Corporate Jets
In this age of rapidly expanding businesses, time has become one of our most valued commodities...
Air Ambulance
Our team is specialists in arranging medical flights staffed by Flight Nurses and Flight Paramedics ...
ACMI Management
Through our extensive network of Airlines we are always able to identify surplus and...

® Aphrodite Management AG 1992 - 2017 - All Rights Reserved